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Lake Chapala Green Group Sept 7 Meeting

Mark your calendars, Green Groupers.  September 7th is our first meeting of the season and you won't want to miss it.

The Lake Chapala Green Group is starting it's fall line-up of meetings the first Tuesday of September, 3:00 at the Lake Chapala Society.  Jason Sherburn is the guest speaker. His topic will focus on, an international organization dedicated to awareness of the effect of atmospheric pollution on global warming.  The organization is a central clearing house for projects around the world tackling carbon reduction and the need to build sustainable communities.  Jason is proposing an aquaponics (in this case fish farming) project as his contribution to the overall global crisis. This is a timely topic, given the difficult time our lake's fishermen are having.  Jason's plans, when implemented, will present a real opportunity for improving the quality of life for fishing families and others residing along the lake.  A lot has been happening in the sustainable community movement here over the summer and you are urged to attend the meeting to catch up and share your own green buzz.  All are welcome on Tuesday, September 7, 3:00, on the LCS back patio. 

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