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Lake Chapala Green Group Oct 4, 2011 Meeting

Jeanne Greene will be our Speaker, drawing on her years of experience in growing plants of all sorts. Her topic is "Low Tech Water Gardening," with an introduction to ornamental aquatic plants. She will also speak briefly about Gardening by the Moon and will give us all a free hand out—a "Lunar Gardening Calendar."

Jeanne Greene was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and has also lived in California, Hawaii and now – Mexico! She received a BA in Spanish and International Studies from UNC Chapel Hill and later returned to school to study Horticulture (her first love) at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, where she owned and operated a small retail nursery and landscaping business. Jeanne is a serious plant junkie and belongs to the Jungle Esthetic School of Landscape Design (i.e. “More Is Better”). Among her areas of special interest are aquatic plants, orchids and succulents. She is also expert in the techniques of gardening “by the Moon.” 

October 4, 2011, 3pm, at the Back Patio of the Lake Chapala Society.