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LCGG December 4, 2012 Meeting & SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT

“WATER at Lakeside: Your Questions Answered”

Speaker: Dr. Todd Stong

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

LCS Back Garden

One of Lakeside’s most popular speakers, Dr. Todd Stong is an engineer by training and a pragmatic visionary by nature. He is devoted to the wellbeing of our treasured Lake Chapala and its communities, Mexican and foreign. This year Todd has solicited your questions in advance and will respond about the past year’s experience with cage aquaculture in Mescala, a proposal for a new sand filtration project to provide safe drinking water to Ojo de Agua, a report on safe swimming and recreation in the Lake, consequences of the cancellation of the pipeline to Guadalajara—and more. Enjoy the latest good news.

(Come early! Good seats fill up fast.)

Everyone is welcome!



Help us beautify the lake shore!
Greetings Green Groupers.  We have a special event happening this Saturday and we need your help.  About 500 students from Guadalajara are arriving by bus in Chapala for their semi-annual Trash Collection volunteer efforts.  Twice a year these students come to the Lakeside area to pick up trash along the shoreline.  Imagine 500 highly enthusiastic and energetic kids wanting to do good things for the environment.  We need your help to coordinate and organize these kids.  It is not going to be difficult and you don't need to speak Spanish, we just need your direction and coordination.
Please meet us at the Old Train Station in Chapala at 8:00 on Saturday, December 1.  The kids arrive shortly thereafter and off we go to clean miles of the shoreline.  Lunch is provided afterwards.
Hope to see you there.
The Lake Chapala Green Group