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Lake Chapala Green Group May 1, 2012 Meeting

Grow your own Moringa Trees
for Nutrition and Medicine 

Speakers: Lau'ana Lei and Barbara Schermer

Tuesday May 1, 2012. 3:00–4:30 PM
Lake Chapala Society, Back Patio

Last Green Group Meeting until September!

The Moringa is known as the most nutritious tree on the planet and is traditionally said to be a medicine for as many as 300 diseases. Originating in India, the plant offers seven times more Vitamin C than oranges, twice the protein and four times the calcium of milk, three times the potassium of bananas… and more! The moringa is known as the “Miracle Tree.” It could be an important nutritional source for villagers all over Mexico.

Lau’ana, Barbara, and other enthusiastic volunteers have been proving that moringas grow wonderfully well at Lakeside, and they will teach you how to grow them too.

LCS will be open on the Tuesday holiday for this event only! 

Lau'ana Lei is a published free lance writer on issues of health and the environment. She has also developed, manufactured and marketed products for natural healing. For more about moringas, see

Barbara Schermer is an internationally known astrologer. See