LCGG Speakers Meeting for December 3, 2013

Upcoming Meeting
Tuesday, December 3, 2013, 3:30-5:00 pm
Arnold Smith
“Biosphere 2: Vision and Reality”
Lake Chapala Society, Back Patio
Arnold Smith was a Research Associate and Teacher for almost 20 years for Biosphere 2, the Arizona desert-based research facility famous for installing experimental subjects, for many months, in a closed ecological system. Strained relations among the residents of the architecturally spectacular environments made the news, but the project produced a wealth of good science. For example, the Biosphere was the premier institution in the world in the study of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Arnold will give the history and methods of operation of Biosphere 2 and describe some of the people involved as well as showing a video on the subject. NOTE THE LATER TIME.
All are welcome!