Green Group Speaker Series Ends with Mar 4, 2014 Meeting

Dear Green Groupers,
I have enjoyed 6 wonderful years as the director of the Lake Chapala Green Group. We have had over 50 presentations in this time on sustainable topics and I am constantly amazed at the quality and professionalism of our speakers. I hope these presentations have been of benefit to you as well.
It has become more difficult to continue our speaker series and unfortunately we will be ending our monthly presentations in March, 2014. I appreciate all the support you have shown over the years and hope you have gained some interesting perspectives on topics of sustainability.
I wish you all the best and hope you will continue your own projects and efforts in this most important area.
Best Regards,
Greg Ochs
Lake Chapala Green Group
The website will remain active until October 2014.
Keep going green!
Bob Craft