Lake Chapala Green Group Dec 6, 2011 Meeting

What's Up with the Lake?
Speaker: Todd Stong
LCS Back Patio, December 6, 3:00 pm
One of Lakeside’s most popular speakers, Todd Stong is an engineer by training and a pragmatic visionary by nature. He is devoted to the wellbeing of our treasured Lake Chapala and has done much of late to keep her clean and strong. Come hear the latest on water quality and fish health from Todd’s most recent tests. Learn of a new federally funded fish farming program that has the potential to affect thousands of local Mexicans by providing jobs and incomes. Get the latest news on the community-run water treatment facility in Tlachichilco. As is usual with Todd, there will be much good news to enjoy!
Come early and get a good seat for this important and fun afternoon.