Lake Chapala Green Group Jan 3, 2012 Meeting

The New Sustainable Cohousing Village
Speaker: Rick Cowlishaw
January 3, 2012, 3pm
Lake Chapala Society, Back Patio
Join us for the first Lake Chapala Green Group meeting of 2012. Rick Cowlishaw, architect and LCGG Steering Committee member, will describe the new gated community and sustainable cohousing village being created just west of Ajijic. Soon the Lake Chapala area will have a new kind of place to retire, Rancho La Salud Village.
This community will be the first Cohousing community in Mexico, and one of the most comprehensive. An adult cooperative neighborhood of 21 homes and 8 residential suites will concentrate on sustainability (total on-site energy and water generation, on-site disposal of water and waste, organically growing our own food), senior health (following AARP guidelines), adult learning, and Universal Design.
The land is purchased, the common house is built, and the lots are approved. The next step? Forming a community with the people who will live here.
Details of Rancho la Salud: