FYI: New Plastics Recycling Business in Riberas

Open Letter RE: New Plastics Recycling Business in Ribera
Recicladora de la Ribera de Chapala (RRC) is open for business!
At RRC we purchase certain types of recyclable plastics, mostly bottles. These bottles are processed into “flake” which is produced through our industrial-sized grinder (molino). The flake is then sold to businesses engaged in the next steps, up the line in the cleaning and re-processing of used plastic into new items. The need for the recycling of plastics has become an issue of critical importance both for conserving dwindling oil resources and addressing an environment awash in disposable plastic products. The good news is that these two issues are making recyclable plastics valuable enough to support new businesses.
At RRC, we are looking to partner with a diverse set of interested entities and because we are a grinder destination, we can pay the best market prices.
Municipalities: Our municipality here in Chapala is heavily burdened by the expense of garbage collection and landfill. The crews on the Chapala trucks are encouraged to separate and sell recyclables and it is rapidly becoming a significant part of their income, but the cost of transporting these recyclables to buyers is also a burden. We anticipate being the last stop of the day for many of the Chapala trucks. You can help by separating your plastics!
Independent Collectors: There are a number of communities and developments that have their own garbage collection. Some of them separate recyclables, others do not. If you live in one of these areas and want to help, encourage recycling programs and separate your plastics!
Restaurants: Redeem your investments by separating and selling your plastics.
Schools/Churches/Volunteer Groups: We are eager to work with all types of groups for clean-ups and fund-raisers. Drop by for details!
Green-minded individuals: We will be placing drive-by collection bags outside our facility. A portion of the income from these donations will be distributed to area non-profits. Drop by to donate and/or register your favorite cause.
Small volume street collectors are encouraged and welcome at our location.
Drop by or phone. We’re a few doors east of the 7-11 in Riberas on the carretera. We have brochures with all the details.
222-A Hidalgo Carretera Chapala - Jocotepec
Riberas Del Pilar, Jalisco Mexico CP 45900
Recicladora de la Ribera de Chapala - RRC
Francisco Javier Gonzalez Nava
Recicladora de la Ribera de Chapala
222-A Carretera Chapala - Jocotepec
Riberas Del Pilar, Jalisco, Mexico
CP 45900