LCGG Speakers Meeting for Sept 3, 2013

Upcoming Meeting
Tuesday, September 3, 2013, 3–4:30 pm
Lake Chapala Society Back Patio
Zachary Fredell
“Ecology for Us and for the Indigenous Sierra Huichol”
Zachary Fredell is a member of a long-standing Guadalajara collective of young people who donate their time to projects for the poor, including the Sierra Huichol indigenous people. Several members of the collective will describe their current green projects: bicycles for indigenous kids, potable water for some Sierra Huichol communities, conversion to solar water heating, water catchment, vertical and horizontal gardens, an attempt to commercialize a native Michoacán grain—a possible new Superfood. If time permits, we’ll get some discussion of indigenous art and culture, and get an idea about how a collective approaches sustainability.
Everyone is welcome!