Green Groupers, come and hear a real expert on subjects that are sure to be dear to your heart. The Speaker is Steven A. Frowine; his topic is Organic Gardening Solutions and Seed Saving. Steve is a Professional Horticulturist, Author, and Lecturer He is also the author of Orchids for Dummies, Fragrant Orchids, Gardening Basics for Dummies, Miniature Orchids, Moth Orchids, and the Complete Guide to Phalaenopsis.
October 5, 2010, 3:00 pm at the Lake Chapala Society back patio.
More about Steven A. Frowine. Aside from the above, Steve is an active garden writer and speaker. He managed one of the largest orchid collections in the United States---over 10,000 plants. Steve has passionately grown 100's of orchids in his home for almost 40 years. He now happily resides with his wife, Sascha, and two dogs, Zoe and Tallulah, in Ajijic, Mexico where he greatly enjoys growing orchids and other tropicals outdoors,year-around. Steve holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in horticulture from Ohio State University and Cornell University respectively.